German Shepherd Breed Profile
German Shepherds, also known as Alsations, are a very energetic and intelligent breed of dog.

Dog Grooming – How to Groom Your Dog at Home
There are two options when it comes to grooming your dog. The first of which is to take them to a reputable dog groomer, and the second is to groom them yourself at home. If you are taking your dog to be groomed externally, make sure that you are...

How to Choose the Right Dog for You
There are lots of different aspects to consider when choosing what breed of dog is more suited to yourself and your household.

How to Crate Train Your Dog
For those who don’t know, crate training is the process of teaching your dog to associate being in a crate as a familiar and safe environment.

Foods That You Shouldn’t Give Your Dog
Most of us like to give our dog treats, but there are certain foods to be aware of that could cause potential harm to your pet.

How To Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer
With summer temperatures increasing, your dog could be at risk of overheating in hot weather.

Chow Chow Breed Profile
The Chow Chow breed is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds in existence, they are well known for being independent and are the perfect example of loyalty, dignity and beauty.

Buying a Puppy
So you have carried out all the relevant research and have settled on buying a puppy, there are certain things that you should do before making the decision to purchase your new puppy.

Exercising Your Puppy
You need to make sure when choosing a puppy that it fits in with your lifestyle. If you want the puppy to eventually be able to go hiking or running it’s no good buying a lap dog who wants to sleep all day.

A Dog is for Life not Just for Lockdown
We have all heard it before “a dog is for life not just for Christmas”, there seems to be a new one for 2020 and that’s a dog is for life not just for COVID.